Episode 114

Amanda Star Kingsley - Speaking Light into Abortion

Your Host

About this Episode

At least a quarter of the women in your life have personally experienced one or more abortions. Most of them never say a word about it because of the subject's social stigma and politics.

Abortion is fraught with conflicting emotions, thoughts, religious baggage, shame, guilt, repression, and more. So many women suffer from keeping their experiences inside.

For the average human, the experience of terminating a pregnancy is far more delicate and complex than anyone is revealing.

People who choose abortion have dynamic lives. Their stories cross a wide spectrum–relatable, heartbreaking, inspiring, unremarkable, and incomprehensible. It doesn’t fit in any ONE box.

Amanda Kingsley is one of those women who not only shares her personal abortion story she also sheds light on long-overdue conversations that speak to the post-abortion experience. She assists women to reveal and heal from having to keep their silence in isolation.

Amanda reveals the unspoken truths that live beyond the experience- offering women a collection of love notes that consider the range of human experience. Her work and her book, What I Wish: 100 Love Notes to Help You Survive, Come Alive, and Thrive After Abortion, is a look at abortion through a pro-human lens, breaking down the walls that have kept far too many women isolated, disconnected and in pain.

In this episode:

  • Amanda shares her personal story of choosing abortion after raising three children at home.
  • Hear about Amanda’s inspiration for the book and what she learned about the resources available to women who choose abortion.
  • Hear the life-changing power of the insights Amanda has collected and shared about the damage of cultural conditioning that keeps women struggling with needless shame.
  • Gain insight into the buried treasure that can be revealed when we peel back the layers of shame and guilt and look at the experience of abortion through a new lens.
  • Hear about how to make loving decisions about your reproduction and understand how to free yourself from the shackles of other people's opinions and judgment.
  • Claim the innate wisdom you carry and embrace your humanity with love.
  • Hear why it’s necessary to protect the right, improve access, and move beyond the binary of the pro-choice-anti-choice narrative.

Amanda Kingsley is a Certified Feminist Life Coach and Doula. She is the host of the Speaking Light Into Abortion podcast. And the Author of ‘What I Wish: 100 love notes to help you survive, come alive, and thrive after abortion.’ After her unanticipated abortion as a mother of three, she recognized the need for a wider conversation around the complex emotional landscape of life after abortion. She reminds her audience that it’s okay to feel all the feelings after abortion and that we can honor our decisions by living the life we made our choice for.

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