Episode 43

Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt: Relationship. Are you sure you want one?


September 30th, 2020

59 mins 28 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

We spend so much time seeking an intimate relationship with a significant other, but rarely stop to think about what it really takes to have a successful one, and if we really want one.

Meet Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt, Authors of Relationship, Are You Sure You Want One?

Enjoy this candid, straight-talking, no-sugar coating relationship conversation and learn more about how Brendon and Simone help people to ask for what they truly desire, kicking the fairy tale romance to the curb.

What is [Relationships Done Different](www.relationshipsdonedifferent.com)?

You should choose relationship from choice not a necessity!

We want to see more kindness in relationships of all sorts. With your partner, kids, parents, and most importantly yourself!

What if we could empower each other to be as great as we can be?

  • A relationship shouldn’t be about fixing someone! It should be about creating 20 times more together than apart!
  • What creates a great relationship?
  • What are 3 things that will destroy any relationship?
  • Why do people play hard to get?
  • Do you believe in fairy tales and happily ever after?
  • You talk a lot about “choice.” Why do you suggest to choose for you? Even in a relationship?
  • What are the biggest relationship traps?
  • If you are not happy, leave!
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