Episode 65

Robin Winn - Born By Design


March 10th, 2021

1 hr 8 mins 9 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

I adored this interview and I’ve been geeking out on Human Deign now for weeks and can’t seem to get enough, and I have Robin Winn to thank!

In addition to being a fabulous facilitator and coach Robin has written two amazing and relatable books on the subject of Human Design that make it so easy and enjoyable to understand this technology and apply it to your life.
I highly recommend to anyone who has not yet heard of Human Design that you get your chart downloaded, which you can do in a matter of minutes as long as you know your birth time, date, and place. Then, once you know what you are, head on over to Instagram and we can geek out, together!

Robin Winn is a best-selling author of understanding your clients through human design, the breakthrough technology, and understanding the centers in human design, the facilitator's guide to transforming pain into possibility.

Twenty-five years into her work as a licensed marriage and family therapist, she was introduced to human design as a way to more deeply understand herself and her clients, this transformational knowledge marked a turning point, opening a door of compassion and empowering her work in surprising and unexpected ways.

Robin is a writer, speaker, transformational, coach, founder, and director of the training programs. Understanding yourself through human design and understanding your clients through human design. She lives on Maui with her wife yarrow. Hey Robin. Hey Monica. Thanks for having me. Oh, I'm so happy to have you.

  • Human design is a terma up. I don't know if you're familiar with it, the word terma, but it's in Tibet and Buddhism. They said that certain information was hidden until the right time that people could understand it and use it.
  • It was brought to us in 1989, relatively recently that it showed up as this fellow, this Canadian was off the coast of Spain came back. He was on a retreat, came back to his cabin and these light beings. Downloaded the information to him- for humanity, for the evolution of humanity.
  • Most importantly, Human Design is for parents to parent their children because in human design, each person is a piece of a gigantic puzzle. And when you're living your piece, You bring what you're here to bring. You're happy. The world benefits. If you're trying to live somebody else's piece, it's kind of like a curse you're miserable.
  • Human Design works with 64 hexagrams of the iching which is for those of you who aren't familiar, it's an ancient Chinese divination system that has 64 hexagrams each hexagram has six lines.
  • In human design, it’s a curse not to love your unique puzzle piece- meaning, a self-imposed curse, like a tragedy.
  • In human design, we have channels, open centers, and defined centers
  • There are 5 types in Human Design: Reflector, Manifester, Projector, Manifesting Generator, Generator.
  • Generators are the “worker bee’s of humanity” and if they have a defines sacral center they have the privilege of constant energy, unless they are doing something that isn’t aligned with who they are, then they burn out.
  • We are designed to work together in unity and each of us has an important piece of the human puzzle. To be stronger as we come together to create a better world for all.
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