Libby Bunten is an embodiment coach and Social Marketing professional whose passion is strengthening women's lives in her local community and beyond. Raised in a quintessential Maine coastal town, Libby always did "whatever it took" to make a living and get the job done. Before a career in social marketing, she did everything from manual labor to freelance writing. A brief stint in a toxic, patriarchal, corporate work environment propelled Libby to pursue an MS in Clinical Psychology which ultimately led to her work in feminist leadership development with like-minded, independent, and irreverent women.

She recently founded and launched her newest group coaching program, Self-Approval School, where women come together in Sisterhood in new ways to remember who they are, break the bullshit rules, and learn to give themselves the stamp of Self-Approval. When she isn't cheering women on, you can find her traveling with her bagel-slinging hunk, Paul, singing karaoke, or in deep surrender to the abyss that is the journey of healing.

Libby Bunten has been a guest on 5 episodes.